Expertises, Measurements & Simulations
In special cases, simple calculations and estimates are not sufficient to reliably assess the situation. The systematic analysis of a problem allows an overall understanding of a system and its interaction with the environment. Further knowledge can be gained by means of measurements or simulations therefore supporting the owners in the decision-making process.
Are you faced with a specific problem in the field of building physics, indoor climate or building ecology? We would be happy to provide you with our independent expertise.
- Analysis and assessment of systems
- Dynamic thermal simulations of the buildings energy needs or the thermal comfort, (eg summer thermal insulation), on the basis of approved models and programs (EnergyPlus, SIA Tec Tool etc.)
- Detailed simulation of building systems for the economic design of the components (for example, solar thermal energy with storage volumes, geothermal probes with seasonal storage in the soil, battery storage)
- Simulation-based evidence of the energy balance for building energy labels (e.g., DGNB, LEED)
- Dimensioning geothermal fields over 50 years according to the standard SIA 384/6 by means of simulation-supported tools, dimensioning of thermal regeneration, support the hydraulic integration of sources and sinks as well as the design of the control. We are 2SOLexpert.
- Thermographic images for the identification of weak points or structural damage in the building envelope
- Determination of air-tightness as verification (Blower-Door) or under real-pressure conditions using tracer gas
- Presentations, trainings